
Message Renderer of message subsystem. Inherits from Jet\UI_Renderer_Single.

Overview of methods

Method Meaning of
public __construct(
string $class,
string $message,
string $context=''
  • $class
    Message class - resolution of its form
  • $message
    The message itself
  • $context
    Message context (optional)
public setIcon(
string $icon
) : static
Sets the optional icon of the message.
public getIcon(
) : string
Returns the set icon of the message.
public setClass(
string $class
) : static
Sets the message class.
public getClass(
) : string
Returns the set message class.
public setMessage(
string $message
) : static
Sets the text of the message.
public getMessage(
) : string
Returns the text of the message.
public setContext(
string $context
) : static
Sets the context of the message.
public getContext(
) : string
Returns the set message context.
public setCloseable(
bool $closeable
) : static
Sets whether or not the message is closable.
public getIsCloseable(
) : bool
Indicates whether or not the message is closable.
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