
This abstract class serves as the basis for almost all classes within Jet.

Method Importance
public objectHasProperty(
string $property_name
) : bool
Indicates whether the object/class has the given property.
public objectSetterMethodName(
string $property_name
) : string
Returns the expected name of the setter (method that sets the value) of the given property.
public objectGetterMethodName(
string $property_name
) : string
Returns the expected name of the getter (method that returns a value) of the given property.
public __sleep(
) : array
Prepares the object for serialization by automatically discarding all properties whose name starts with '_'.
public __get(
string $key
) : void
Protect access to undeclared or protected (protected,private) properties. Attempting to access such properties will raise an Jet\BaseObject_Exception.
public __set(
string $key,
mixed $value
) : void
Examine access to undeclared or protected,private properties. Attempting to access such properties will raise a Jet\BaseObject_Exception.
public __clone(
) : void
Helps clone an object instance by cloning it if the object properties are other objects.
public __debugInfo(
) : array
See magical PHP methods.

Prepares an instance for var_dump by automatically discarding all properties whose name starts with the string '__'.
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