
Method Meaning of
public static _(
string $text,
array $data=[]
) : string
It covers the translation of general texts. For example, for a complex element such as a dataGrid.

It calls the translator. The main purpose is to unify what dictionary will be used for these generic UI texts.

The default dictionary is Translator::COMMON_DICTIONARY.
public static setTranslatorDictionary(
string $translator_dictionary
) : void
Sets the compiler dictionary for general UI text. See method _.
public static getTranslatorDictionary(
) : string
Returns the set compiler dictionary for general UI text. See method _.
public static button(
string $label=''
) : UI_button
Creates a general button renderer
public static button_save(
string $label=''
) : UI_button_save
Creates a renderer for the "Save" button
public static button_goBack(
string $label=''
) : UI_button_goBack
Creates a renderer for the "Back" button
public static button_edit(
string $label=''
) : UI_button_edit
Creates a renderer for the "Edit" button
public static button_delete(
string $label=''
) : UI_button_delete
Creates a renderer for the "Delete" button
public static button_create(
string $label
) : UI_button_create
Creates a renderer for the "Create" button
public static icon(
string $icon
) : UI_icon
Creates an icon renderer
public static dialog(
string $id,
string $title,
string $size=UI_dialog::SIZE_DEFAULT
) : UI_dialog
Creates a modal dialog box renderer
public static flag(
Locale $locale
) : UI_flag
Creates a renderer for the flag of a specific location.
public static locale(
Locale $locale
) : UI_locale
Creates the name of a specific location.
public static localeLabel(
Locale $locale
) : UI_localeLabel
Creates a caption for a particular location.
public static tabs(
array $tabs,
callable $tab_url_creator,
string|null $selected_tab_id=null
) : UI_tabs
Creates a renderer for the tab navigation element.
public static tabsJS(
string $id,
array $tabs,
string|null $selected_tab_id=null
) : UI_tabsJS
Creates a renderer for the switchable tabs element.
public static badge(
string $type,
string $text
) : UI_badge
Creates a renderer for badge.
public static tree(
Data_Tree $data
) : UI_tree
Creates a renderer of the tree structure view.
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User interface generation
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