Module Manifest - Jet\Application_Module_Manifest

The manifest is the metadata of the module. It is actually the manifest.php file in the module directory. In this file, the metadata is stored classically as an associated field.

The Jet\Application_Module_Manifest class then works with the metadata. Simply put, it is a carrier of summary information about the module. And here again, if you are not comfortable with this class and its implementation, you can make your own manifest class and impose it on the system using factory. The only requirement is that your class must inherit from the Jet\Application_Module_Manifest class.

Now let's see what the manifest can do:

Basic methods

Method Meaning of
public __construct(
?string $module_name = null
The $module_name parameter is optional and whether or not it is specified has a major impact on the behavior.

If the module name is passed to the constructor, the constructor performs the overall initialization. That is, it uses the Application_Modules::readManifestData$module_name ) call to retrieve the manifest data, validate it and initialize it.

If the parameter has no value, an empty manifest is prepared and initialization is not performed at all. This behavior is necessary for tools that can generate new modules.
public getName(
): string
Returns the module name (e.g. Content.Articles.Admin)
public getModuleDir(
): string
Returns the full path to the module directory.
public getModuleInstallDirPath(
): string
Returns the full path to the module installation directory.
public getModuleInstallDictionariesDirPath(
): string
Returns the full path to the module's dictionary installation directory.
public getNamespace(
): string
Returns the module namespace.
public getVendor(
): string
Returns the vendor / author of the module.

This is information obtained from the manifest file.
public getVersion(
): string
Returns the version of the module.

This is information obtained from the manifest file.
public getLabel(
): string
Returns the user-readable name of the module.

This is information obtained from the manifest file.
public getDescription(
): string
Returns a user-defined description of the module.

This is information obtained from the manifest file.
public isMandatory(
): bool
Returns indicates whether the module is/is not mandatory and whether it is therefore necessary to install and activate it regardless of the user's will.

This is information obtained from the manifest file.
public isInstalled(
): bool
Indicates whether the module is/is not installed.
public isActivated(
): bool
Indicates whether the module is/is not active.

ACL - actions and authorization

A module can provide its own set of operations for the authentication and authorization control system to perform, which are to be subject to approval and control by user roles. This set of operations is also referenced by the controller microrouter.

But let's put it simply. Let's assume that the administration module will perform the classic operations: add something, edit something, view something and delete something. And of course, sometimes it is necessary to restrict who can do what (what user, or better what group of users - roles). To this end, Jet has a system of user roles and controls permissions. But the system needs to know what permissions are available - what it should actually allow. And one of the sets of possible permissions are just the ACL actions of the modules. So the aforementioned administration module will have the following in its manifest, for example:

return [
// ... ... ...
'ACL_actions' => [
'get_article' => 'Get article data',
'add_article' => 'Add new article',
'update_article' => 'Update article',
'delete_article' => 'Delete article',
Method Meaning of
public getACLActions(
bool $translate_description = true,
?Locale $translate_locale = null
): array
Returns a list of available actions. The method directly translates action descriptions using the translator, but translation can be prevented ($translate_description parameter). It is also possible to specify a specific location for the translator (if not specified, the current one is used).
public hasACLAction(
string $action
): bool
Indicates whether or not the module has a specific action.

Compatibility check

The compatibility check is not implemented in the sample application. However, if a complete product with a long lifecycle is built on Jet and perhaps a community sharing modules for such a product, compatibility checking is necessary. However, its implementation is a matter for the application. There are a thousand ways to do this and it is not possible to choose just one. That's why Jet (as a framework) provides the necessary means to do it, but no longer interferes with it itself.

Method Meaning of
public static setCompatibilityChecker(
callable $compatibility_checker
): void
Sets a callback for compatibility checking. A prototype of such a callback is: function ( Application_Module_Manifest $manifest ) : bool
public static getCompatibilityChecker(
): callable
Returns an authentication callback.
public isCompatible(
): bool
Verifies that the module is compatible using a callback. If it is not set, it always returns true.


Method Meaning of
public toArray(
): array
Returns the manifest data as an associated array. It is used to store the manifest.
public saveDatafile(
): void
Writes the module manifest file. The method does not perform the operation, but calls this: Application_Modules::saveManifest$this );
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